It's sad that I've come to quoting
50 cent lyrics for a blog title, but at this point I am that desperate. As I stated in my previous
blog, my group and I are working on a video quality project intended for us to assess the quality of video and audio at various points around campus. Instead, this has turned into a project for me to assess my patience and ability to deal with technology gone wrong.
I got the footage from my groupmate,
Alyssa, this afternoon. I proceeded to upload the files, convert them and import them into
MovieMaker. Unfortunately, something went wrong (of course). The files for whatever reason weren't being recognized. "Okay," I thought, "I'll just try it on my computer at home." Silly me was actually thankful for a chance to use Mac's editing software over MovieMaker (view my opinions on this wonderful program
Of course, after converting the files again on my Mac and trying to put them into
Final Cut they still were making error messages pop up, so I tried the next best thing:
iMovie. However, the same problem persisted and iMovie could not recognize the files - both original and converted.
At this point, I was frustrated. After basically crying to my roommate for about half an hour about how much I hate technology, I went to the gym to work of my anger and try again when I got back. Sadly, not much had changed.
I then went back down to Coppee (where I am now) and tried one last time to get the files to work, this time taking the files converted on my Mac down to Coppee with me on a flash drive instead of taking them straight from the camera. Still, the files could not be imported into MovieMaker.
So now that I am done ranting - does ANYONE have any suggestions or ideas that I can do to finally get these videos to work? Was it something to do with the way we filmed it? Was it something I did when I first began to upload the footage? HELP!